Small details are what make the difference between an average app and a great one, aren't they ? This article will give you solutions to display properly formatted figures in order to help your React Native app look professional.
JavaScript provides a method ++code>toLocaleString()++/code> that transforms a number into a string representing a formatted number or date in the specified locale.
++pre>++code>// Number
const number = 123456.789;
console.log(number.toLocaleString("fr-FR")); // output: 123?456,789
By default React Native doesn't handle this method properly on Android. It just returns a non-formatted number. On iOS ++code>toLocaleString()++/code> just works fine with its default settings.
In order to build an app, React Native uses a virtual machine JavaScriptCore.
In order to use toLocaleString() on Android, you need to update the JavaScriptCore flavour used to build your Android app. To do so, all you need is to replace:
++pre>++code>def jscFlavor = 'org.webkit:android-jsc:+'
in your ++code>android/app/build.gradle++/code> into:
++pre>++code>def jscFlavor = 'org.webkit:android-jsc-intl:+'
Then you can just use ++code>toLocaleString()++/code> method as described in Mozilla's doc and it will work fine on both iOS and Android apps !
Numbro.js is a reliable library that helps format numbers in numerous different formats, and that enables locales customization.
Example of formatted numbers with Numbro :
230 123,45?
£ 25,000.45
++pre>++code>yarn add numbro
++/code>++/pre>++pre>++code>npm install numbro
First, one needs to config Numbro's language by binding it to the app's locale.
++pre>++code>switch (appLocale) {
case "fr":
Existing language formats can be modified, and custom language can even be created:
languageTag: "xx-XX",
delimiters: {
thousands: ",",
decimal: "."
abbreviations: {
thousand: "k",
million: "m",
billion: "b",
trillion: "t"
ordinal: () => {
return "";
currency: {
symbol: "?",
position: "postfix",
code: "EUR"
formats: {
fourDigits: {
totalLength: 4,
spaceSeparated: true,
average: true
fullWithTwoDecimals: {
output: "currency",
mantissa: 2,
spaceSeparated: true,
thousandSeparated: true
fullWithTwoDecimalsNoCurrency: {
mantissa: 2,
thousandSeparated: true
fullWithNoDecimals: {
output: "currency",
spaceSeparated: true,
thousandSeparated: true,
mantissa: 0
Numbro is now ready to be used in the code:
++pre>++code>// xx-XX language
thousandSeparated: true,
mantissa: 2 // number of decimals displayed
// Output: 23,425.45
++pre>++code>// xx-XX language
// Output: $ 23.43k
++pre>++code>// xx-XX language
// Output: 0:02:02
++pre>++code>// xx-XX language
numbro(1).format({ output: "ordinal" });
numbro(2).format({ output: "ordinal" });
numbro(3).format({ output: "ordinal" });
numbro(122).format({ output: "ordinal" });
// Outputs: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 122th
And some other features, such as negative numbers handling, binary numbers, percentages?
Numbro can also unformat with:
In most projects ++code>toLocaleString()++/code> will be enough to format numbers. But if you want to use more specific formats or to customize your locales, Numbro.js will be a great support !