
Migrate your native app to cross-platform

Are you experiencing cost and time issues in deploying new features to your native apps? Struggling with technical implementation differences between iOS and Android, inconsistent UX, and user complaints? We help you migrate to a common code base for all your platforms, in just a few months.

Je me lance

Augmenter la satisfaction des
utilisateurs de votre app :

Des mises à jour plus fréquentes

Une application plus stable

Pour tous vos utilisateurs

Coûts de développement réduits

We did it for

TF1 Info

Refonte des apps native
et React native
Délais : 6 mois
Note sur les stores : 4,5/5
En savoir plus

Un grand merci et un grand bravo pour le remarquable travail de l'équipe Theodo Apps. Une grande efficacité, un professionnalisme remarquable, un sens de la qualité à la hauteur des standards de l'info TF1. Et une équipe vraiment sympa et impliquée. #yourock

Julien Laurent

Chief Digital Officer

Nous proposons 2 approches

1. Greenfield Cross-platform Migration

This involves the development of a new application by a higher-velocity team, which will replace the existing application.

2. Minimum Viable Migration

The aim is to progressively replace native modules with cross-platform modules, which allows us to continue to release new functionalities in production.

Minimum Viable Migration vs. Greenfield migration : comment choisir ? ‍

The budget / milestone
The Greenfield approach is faster and less expensive, but the MVM allows costs to be spread over time.
Level of quality and knowledge of existing code
The MVM approach requires a better knowledge of the code because it relies on the existing code base.
Level of product knowledge
The Greenfield approach requires a better knowledge of the product because it does not rely on the existing application.
UI/UX overhaul needed
The Greenfield approach will allow an easy redesign, while the MVM approach will force the 2 versions to co-exist.
Commitment of the existing team
The MVM approach makes it easier to train and integrate existing native developers into cross-platform teams.

‍Pourquoi travailler avec nous ?

70 experts React Native,
Flutter et natif
Partenaires de
Flutter Connection
Contributeurs et mainteneurs
de librairies Open Source
Expertise 360 : frontend, backend,
infrastructure avec le groupe Theodo
Reconnus internationalement
9 talks en 2022
design et produit
Experts en performance mobile,
créateurs de l’outil FlashLight
Créateurs d’un programme de formation
complet en React Native / Flutter