Theodo apps

Installing an .ipa on your iOS device from command line in OSX or Linux

Please note that this will not work with iOS App Store Deployment builds. For those, you need to use Testflight.


A crucial step to take before deploying your application is to verify whether your build (.ipa) runs smoothly on a device. Unfortunately, Apple has made this process extremely difficult and impossible if you are trying to use a Linux OS.

Using libimobiledevice

However, there is a command line tool available which is part of the incredible libimobiledevice project. The best part is that this tool is also available on Linux.

To install it, all you need to do is use the appropriate package:


++pre>++code># For OSXbrew install libimobiledevice

brew install ideviceinstaller


For Ubuntu

++pre>++code># For Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice

sudo apt-get install ideviceinstaller


Installing the IPA build

Once installed, simply plug in your device and run the following command to get your app installed:

++pre>++code>ideviceinstaller -i <Path_to_your_ipa>++/code>++/pre>


I would also highly recommend checking out for more amazing tools and resources.

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