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How do I use problem solving on a daily basis?

Problem, problem, problem, this word is terrifying and often becomes taboo. We rather want to lock them up in a double turn than to look them straight in the face. To go to bed hoping that they will have disappeared by themselves the next day. Sometimes this strategy works. And occasionally, it creates more insomnia than anything else.

At BAM, I learned to solve my problems using the method RDP (problem solving). Today I see all the worthiness that it brings me.

Before you start, if problem solving doesn't mean anything to you, I invite you to read This article, in which I lay the foundations of this method!

Motivation comes from learning the key

The objective of problem solving

The intention behind problem solving is To learn, to improve. Facing an anomaly is the best way to evolve as an adult, it allows us to update our beliefs and to adapt them to reality. The basis of the theory of Lean is apprenticeship, the ability to evolve according to external developments: we are therefore at the heart of the methodology used at M33.

In a competitive context where you have to be better than your neighbor, in a world that is changing rapidly, it is the team that identifies what is not working and reacting to it as quickly as possible that survives. So you may be tempted to have everyone do RDP around you! Here I will stay focused on more personal RDPs, I am in the process of writing an article specific to team RDPs.

The pitfalls to avoid as a manager

As a manager, a classic trap can be to try to automate, within your team, the analysis of the smallest problem encountered. The resulting risk is to lose sight of the learning objective of RDP, which is no longer perceived as an axis of progress for its managers, but as a punishment. “If you don't do well, you're going to have to do an RDP.”

What could one use as a lever for motivation To do the quality then becomes a constraint. On the other hand, the motivation to produce quality things is very personal. Leading by example, sharing your learnings and best practices to make good RDP is therefore more promising.

A routine that helps me identify everyday problems

When you are a manager, the problems you encounter are not always easy to identify. To identify them, I need to take more Looking back on my daily life or my way of working,... To help me find them, I ask myself questions to “What did I see that was not up to standard?” , “What do I want to learn today?” , etc.

These problems do not appear clearly (unlike a delay or a quality defect). I then set up routines, RRegular appointments during which I have only one goal: to identify the problems I encountered during the day. Every night, I do my exercises, it's a jingle: “What are the things that bothered me today?” I write them down, I choose The one that impacted me the most and I unroll. There are happy days when nothing comes to mind. And that's exactly where the magic happens. As I promised myself to dig at least two problems per week, I am digging, I am looking for this problem that I have not yet identified or that I am subconsciously hiding from myself. And I find, This little detail that annoyed me a bit, but not too much and that I had forgotten, or This recurring problem that I had gotten used to.

Thanks to this habit, I note a problem as soon as I encounter it, throughout the day, in order to be sure to rethink it and dig into it the same evening. If you want to know more about how to reveal the problems that a team has, I invite you to read This article.

As a manager, it is important to involve your team

In each of my RDP, I take someone with me. Be the person who is in my eyes Subject expert that I treat, be the person who Encountered the same problem only me.

Beyond the fact that I prefer to work in a team, build or do Reread my analysis of the situation to a new opinion allows me to have more perspective on the situation.

When a problem concerns us directly, it is sometimes difficult to keep an objective eye on its causes. Involving my team members helps me both create RDPs of quality and also to the motivating to do it by themselves.

Sharing your learnings, showing that there are a lot of worthiness To focus on your problems, starting by asking them for help with your own problems, is, for me, the best argument.

Lay flat his thoughts on the situation that we have just encountered also makes it possible toEmbark others, by showing them why we want to take this or that action and by motivating them to help us.

Presenting the problems and obstacles that one encounters is the first step in managing change. I take care of each problem presentation, it is also a communication medium!


In short, research and tackle my problems and investigate to understand how I can Improve myself, makes me grow. Especially thanks to outside views that I'm going to look for. It's a bit confusing at first, because we rehash our problems, but managing to gradually get rid of them becomes a real source of motivation. We change our state of mind, we become solution-oriented and less passive about an external situation. By focusing on everyday factual cases, which we have experienced, we look at concrete matter.

If you can motivate your colleagues to imitate you, you will build a real company that is solid under a lot of challenges. So instead of letting problems pile up, lift the carpet and study them! RDPs are a great exercise to make continuous progress.

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