Update: Today our teams use and advise the tool Figma. From mockups to the design system, it's the most comprehensive tool we've tested so far. If you want to know more about how we use Figma, especially for creating a design system, we recommend this article: Create a design system adapted to each client when you are an agency.
Since October, our UX team has made the choice To use Sketch for the creation of models. Before Sketch now seems obscure and complicated to us, not only in terms of graphic creation but also in terms of impact on developments. This is largely thanks to a collaboration software called Zeplin.
To explain to you the reason for our use of Zeplin, it seems important to me to explain to you how to use Zeplin BAM in our UX process... The story starts with an average project, let's call it Leopard, as on all our other projects, the Xion user journey will be defined during UX workshops where the whole team is present. Indeed, one of the particularities of our methodology at BAM is that our teams work in close collaboration. From the wireframes produced during these workshops, the UX will develop models using the famous Sketch creation software. However, despite the numerous benefits of using Sketch, we quickly ran into a problem. Although collaboration during the UX design phase was facilitated by UX workshops, it was not easy during the model integration phase: loss of time during integration, use of the wrong versions of the models, lack of communication between team members, loss of time exporting, etc.
Then we discovered Zeplin. And it made our lives easier.
Zeplin is a software that greatly facilitates collaboration between designers and developers. How?
The software allows UX designers to quickly upload their screen mockups directly from Sketch (or Photoshop) to Zeplin.
Developers have access to all screens in one place. With Zeplin, there is no need to estimate the size of each element on the screen: integration is done more quickly thanks to tools that allow you to define the margins, sizes, colors and fonts of all elements on the pages. For example, our developers saved approximately 1/2 hour per screen, that's not nothing!
A second advantage of having easy and quick access to the different sizes and spacings is, of course, that the models are respected and that the integration can be done to the nearest pixel.
In case of doubts or questions about certain design elements, any member of the team can post a comment directly on the relevant element of the model.
“Before I used a PNG and I was wondering: How am I going to treat this screen? With Zeplin I have the real information to work in good conditions. It's great.” Nicolas, developer at BAM
TIP! The possibility of opening a screen in a separate window and reducing its transparency to check the integration on a simulator
“I think it's cool. It's a great solution because it's a single place where I can search for designs quickly, unlike Drive, Trello, etc.” Xavier, developer at BAM
TIP! Sharing the Zeplin link on Trello allows you to always automatically have the latest version of the screen - unlike a PNG that must be uploaded very frequently.
TIP 2! You can organize the screens by last added or by name to find them more easily.
For more information: zeplin.io
The explanatory video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbKZAGthUgQ